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A pink, ceramic piggy bank wearing a graduation cap standing on a wood floor in front of bookcases, with sun streaming in.

Budget Survey

School District No. 8 (Kootenay Lake) (SD8) invites students, staff, families, and education partners as well as anyone from the broader community to provide input to our 2024-2025 budget. You can do so by completing this anonymous survey which will take about 5 minutes to complete. 

Below are facts and figures about our school district, and financial information from the 2024-2025 Amended Budget that may be useful in understanding how our district and our budget is structured, our expenditures and revenues are to date, and how much overall our budget was for the past school year.  

Thanks for participating!


Which best describes your relation to SD8?  (You can choose more than one)


What education level is a priority for you? (You can choose more than one)


Equity and inclusion in education are district priorities. We act on these priorities by funding targeted programs such as Learning Support Services, Aboriginal Education and English Language Learner programs in the annual budget. If additional funding becomes available, these targeted programs are given first priority.

Below are other priorities that receive regular funding in the annual budget. Please choose 3 areas that you see as priorities to receive additional funding, should it become available. (You can choose 3 options)


The following are strategic priorities in SD8's Strategic Plan 2024-2029. From the list below, choose your top 3 priorities.


The following are focus areas the correspond to SD8's strategic priorities. From the list below, choose your top 5 priorities. 


What are your top 3 priorities for one-time funds from the accumulated operating surplus? This refers to times when SD8 can spend unused operating funds from prior years.