Thanks to everyone who participated in our website enhancement testing. Your feedback will help make SD8 sites more accessible to all users, and information easier to find.
In addition to enhancing site accessibility and searches, our team is busy improving site navigation and layout to meet current site standards and mobile-friendly layout as well as use of images, contrast, content types and other features to improve our websites.
We are very grateful to you for taking the time to test our site. The information you provide will help us create a website that works for everyone across the district.
Watch for updates over the summer as we complete improvements to the site.
The SD8 Website Enhancement Team
Thanks to everyone who participated in our website enhancement testing. Your feedback will help make SD8 sites more accessible to all users, and information easier to find.
In addition to enhancing site accessibility and searches, our team is busy improving site navigation and layout to meet current site standards and mobile-friendly layout as well as use of images, contrast, content types and other features to improve our websites.
We are very grateful to you for taking the time to test our site. The information you provide will help us create a website that works for everyone across the district.
Watch for updates over the summer as we complete improvements to the site.
As you complete the following questionnaire, please let us know the particular device (screen reader, on a mobile device etc.) that you're using when answering any open-ended questions. We want to be sure to understand the context for each website tester.